Monday, May 16, 2016



It destroys me silent in a washed up way.
Its goes straight for mine eyes; I cannot remain.
In the same heart.beat I feel fueled and then fucked.
In the same landscape I lose Rabbit’s foot luck.
It rips apart muscles when you speak and not speak.
It preys upon prey when it’s believed to be weak.
In the same heart.beat I am golden I’m rock.
In the same mistake I gifted keys for my locks.
It’s a drill-bit coat with a blanket-all cold.
It’ll cover my wounds with a goat-made fold.
In the same heart.beat you give life you give death.
In the same caskette I will tend to my bed.
It’s an eat by day and a stalk by night.
It’s a carry me above by a raven’s winged flight.
In the same heart.beat I felt love I felt brave.
In the same happenstance you snatched it away.
In the same heart.beat I am awed I am mute.
In a believe it or not, the only thing I want is you.

cas // o5.15.16

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