Friday, May 20, 2016



so watch us all take bets.
don’t give me a bite of your lust & flesh.
strut what I strut in a blood brotherhood,
I long to make some new debts.
watch every plane crash down into flames,
when Dragon brings his shame.
all Washingtons and sir Benjamins will prove:
I chase the Beast into the night.
I can get higher than you thought,
in the tempest of your drive.
Beast runs from me into the night.
this is no lie.

turn with the jackal, carnivate
my way to the top of the chain.
Lotus, a fungus, a dry heady thrust,
my drum beats tap in your brain.
even the ax can’t cut down the pain
when it chopchopchops away.
if Washington were sir Benjamin you'd lose:
I chase your Beast into the night.
I can be horror if you want,
in the fable of your life.
Beast runs from me into the night.
this is no lie.

I will light your way down
and then,
I will guide your way out
 of it.

I chase the Beasts, brother, into the night.
and I’ll do all that you’ve brought,
before I slip out of sight.
Beasts run from me into the night
this is no lie this is no lie this is no lie.

cas 5.20.16

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