Thursday, October 8, 2015

Origami Tigers

Stallions of a blacker hue, wait for my arrival,
While I differentiate, that stable from the bridle.

Outside gates, strung with hearts, from every love I lost,
Are wicked, cruel things, tempting all my thoughts to fill with frost.

Only certain kinds of gentlemen, can make it to the brink,
Because running to the edge, is more trying than you’d think.

That certain kind of gentleman, most assured could not be me,
I always end up turn back, when nothing’s what it seems.

The holly & the ivy grow, without a destined fate,
And atropa belladonna, packs a punch I cannot take.

While simple minds subvert the most lethal femme fatales,
A conduit, like the sunset, I rose and then I fell.

I’ll mine for diamonds, deep inside the Life-giving Spirit,
And leave my earthen body behind, as He has so proclaimed it.

This body, raised imperishable, then will make a change,
and turn up many flaxen masks, failing to masquerade.

Where, O death, is your victory, then followed by your sting?
When the Kingdom is inherited, and all the trumpets sing?

The sting is you, and the power of It, can only be the Law,
My stallions are resurrecting, in the ruins of Camelot.

Heavenly bodies, strung up with each & every love I lost,
Onyx temples, cooling in the fires of my frost.

Knights in armor, melted down, from my unfiltered rage,
Origami Tigers, roaming free of paper cage.

Blossom, child, hear my calls, and beg for grace in vain,
A banshee never left me in the womb, without a name.

My howling joins a chorus of decrepit harmonies,
But when I hum with Medusa, it forms a symphony.

Questions raise more questions, and only shatter on the wall,
And learning all the answers, does more pushing than it pulls.

I loved you, then I loved you, and then everything ran dry,
And you left me without reason, not so much as a goodbye.

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