Monday, October 19, 2015


Click Here for The Iron Heart (THE HEART SERIES)
Click Here for The Secret heart (THE HEART SERIES)


And is there a notion, as vehement as the throb of a jealous heart? Caught in a jarring cascade of lachrymal effluence it wonders, Do I rush angrily onto the battlefield of love—or is it lust?—armed with an offense of histrionic moves? Do I charge forward with haughty intentions, aiming bow & quiver at the spot in your own heart where I once resided—the space now claimed by another?
The suspicious lover rolls over, like a submissive bitch in heat, to the very suspicion which causes it to glower. On the one hand, there is revenge, pledging vengeance (oh so sweet), and retribution to the ultimate degree. The price to pay for such delicacies is the loss of a wholesome conscience, in fact, decay of it is an almost guarantee.
                But on the other, you will find acquiescence, not to be mistaken for that bitch in heat. For it takes a more developed wisdom to step into a state of grace, and let whatever might be, be, than to simply raise the torch to an effigy of a greener beast.
                In short, listen: though it be gratifying to get what you would call ‘even,’ at what cost are you willing to submit? It is a cold, damp lair where one procures an eye for an eye, and even colder, a tooth for a tooth.
                The jealous heart is a wild one. You must tell it to lay dog, lay.

-CAS 10.18.15

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