Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's Alive.

The moment where, with your eyes closed, and the music resonating like a specter through the headphones and into your ears, your heart stops beating—or is it beating too fast, beyond recognition of singular beats?—and you lose your breath… because the sound takes your spirit to a place that you cannot consciously, fully grasp, without having to give up some type of Earthen function… but it doesn’t matter; the beauty in the music more than fills the gap where your breathing must stop and your tears must shed. Is there a place in the world where anything tangible can take you, like where the notes take you: traveling—or am I floating? It feels so much like I am floating—on an immense wave of emotion so intense, so ethereal, you wouldn’t care if the world ended in the next moment, as long as you were able to hear the music first, for it in itself is life. It is the beginning, and the end, and somewhere in between is the Light of myself, a soul desperately aching, desperately yearning, for it to go on, and on… and on… CAS 10.18.15 03:32PM

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